Registration is now open for the international Enjoiat Contemporary Jewellery Awards 2024.
Addressed to students and professional jewellers, organised by A-FAD, Artists and Artisans of the FAD Association. A biennial, international open call which for the past 28 editions rewards the most outstanding contemporary creations in the jewellery sector. The award has become an essential meeting point for jewellery professionals and students from all over the world, framed within the Barcelona Jewellery Week.
This year, Enjoia’t operates within a new framework: Enjoia’t – Con-X-Ion, inspired by philosopher Donna Haraway’s “multispecies” networks, at a time when we face the urgent task of introducing post-human and post-anthropocentric perspectives in our relationship with the environment and the beings that inhabit it.
Sustainability, traceability, and the recycling of the materials used in contemporary jewellry are at the core of the open call of this year.
This year’s jury is formed by:
- Jorge Manilla, Artist - jeweller, head of the thematic area of the department of metals and artistic jewellery at the Oslo National Academy of Arts
- Ángela Bermúdez, artist-jeweller and representative of “Melting Point. Joieria Contemporània València”
- Heidi Schechinger, curator and representative of “Melting Point. Joieria Contemporània València”
- Amador Bertomeu, co-founder of Klimt02 – Carmen Amador, professor of Jewellery at the Escola Massana de Barcelona
- Lluís Comín, , jeweller and founder of 66 Mistral Gallery
- Paulo Ribeiro, founder of Contemporania High Craftmanship Barcelona and Le Département.
Among all the registered pieces, jurors will choose the shortlisted that will be displayed in an exhibition at Disseny Hub Barcelona building from September 19th to November 3rd.